
Esotericism  Esotericism or Esoterism signifies the holding of Esoteric Opinions or Beliefs, that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small group of those specially initiated, or of rare or unusual interest. The term can also refer to the academic study of Esoteric Religious Movements and Philosophies, and Religious Movements or Philosophies whose proponents distinguish their beliefs, practices, and experiences from mainstream Exoteric and more Dogmatic institutionalized traditions. The term derives from the Greek ἐσωτερικός (esôterikos), a compound of ἔσω (esô): "within", thus pertaining to interiority or mysticism. Its antonym is "exoteric".

Subtle Body or The Immortal Body

Subtle Body or The Immortal Body

A Subtle Body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. Each subtle body corresponds to a subtle plane of existence, in a hierarchy or great chain of being that culminates in the physical form.
It is known in different spiritual traditions; "The Most Sacred Body" (wujud al-aqdas) and "Supracelestial Body" (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism, "The Diamond Body" in Taoism and Vajrayana, "The Light Body" or "Rainbow Body" in Tibetan Buddhism, "The Body of Bliss" in Kriya Yoga, and "The Immortal Body" (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.
The various attributes of the Subtle Body are frequently described in terms of often obscure symbolism: Tantra features references to the sun and moon as well as various Indian rivers and deities, while Taoist alchemy speaks of cauldrons and cinnabar fields. 
The expression "subtile body" appears suddenly in English literature in about 1650, appears erratically until it ceased to be used by about 1840. At that time, the more common term "subtle body" comes into use. The latter expression gradually gains in currency through the ninteenth century, and begins a sharp increase in usage from about 1940 until the present time. Further research is needed to clarify the actual authors who used the phrase, and what they meant by it. The word "subtle" meaning "sophisticated, not obvious," does not really translate any Sanskrit term directly. Sanskrit sūkṣma सूक्ष्म means "fine, thin." Sanskrit liṅga लिङ्ग means "sign, mark, characteristic." A history of these terminologies across several key languages remains very much a desideratum (2014).

Subtle Body in Eastern Esotericism

The Yogic, Tantric and other systems of India, the Buddhist psychology of Tibet, as well as Chinese (Taoist alchemy) and Japanese (Shingon) esoterism are examples of doctrines that describe a subtle physiology having a number of focal points (chakras, acupuncture points) connected by a series of channels (nadis, Acupuncture meridians) that convey breath (prana, vayu, ch'i, ki, lung).
These invisible channels and points are understood to determine the characteristics of the visible physical form. By understanding and mastering the subtlest levels of reality one gains mastery over the physical realm. Through practice of various breathing and visualisation exercises one is able to manipulate and direct the flow of vital force, to achieve superhuman (e.g. in martial arts) or miraculous powers ("siddhis") and attain higher states of consciousness, immortality, or liberation.
Subtle Body in Hinduism 
  • Vedanta (the five Koshas)
  • Samkhya
  • Tantra
  • Kundalini
The Subtle Body (sūkṣma śarīra) in Vedantic philosophy is composed of three Kosas or "sheaths" (Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya kosas are related to Subtle body, Annamaya is related to Gross body, Anandamaya is related to Causal body). The subtle body is the vehicle of consciousness with which one passes from life to life. The Liṅga Śarīra is the vehicle of consciousness in later Samkhya, Vedanta, and Yoga, and is propelled by past-life tendencies, or bhavas. Linga can be translated as "characteristic mark" or "impermanence" and the term Sarira (Vedanta) as "form" or "mold".
Karana or "instrument" is a synonymous term. In the Classical Samkhya system of Isvarakrsna (ca. 4th century CE), the Lińga is the characteristic mark of the transmigrating entity. It consists of twenty-five tattvas from eternal consciousness down to the five organs of sense, five of activity (buddindriya or jñānendriya, and karmendriya respectively) and the five subtle elements that are the objects of sense (tanmatras) The Samkhyakarika says: 
"The subtle body (linga), previously arisen, unconfined, constant, inclusive of the great one (mahat) etc , through the subtle elements, not having enjoyment, transmigrates, (because of) being endowed with bhavas ("conditions" or "dispositions")As a picture (does) not (exist) without a support, or as a shadow (does) not (exist) without a post and so forth; so too the instrument (linga or karana) does not exist without that which is specific (i.e. a subtle body)."
The idea was adopted by Vedanta and Yoga philosophy, and from there, in the 19th century, the terminology was adopted by the Theosophy of Madame Blavatsky. Subtility-The State Of Being Subtile To Will. 

According to the Meher Baba's Teachings

The spiritual teacher Meher Baba stated that the subtle body "is the vehicle of desires and vital forces," He held that the subtle body is one of three bodies with which the soul must cease to identify in order to realize God: "At the end of the Path, however, the soul frees itself from all sanskaras and desires connected with the gross, subtle and mental worlds; and it becomes possible for it to free itself from the illusion of being finite, which came into existence owing to its identification with the gross, subtle and mental bodies. At this stage the soul completely transcends the phenomenal world and becomes Self-conscious and Self-realised." 

Subtle Body in Western Esotericism


H. P. Blavatsky's Theosophical Teaching represented the convergence of 19th century Western occultism, Eastern philosophy, religion, science, and mysticism. The Secret Doctrine, and The Key to Theosophy combined the Vedantic concept of five koshas with Western esoteric traditions (particularly Neoplatonism). She refers to three subtle bodies: 
  • Linga Sharira - the Double or Astral body
  • Mayavi-rupa - the "Illusion-body."
  • Causal Body - the vehicle of the higher Mind.
The Linga Sharira is the invisible double of the human body, elsewhere referred to as the etheric body, doppelgänger or bioplasmic body and serves as a model or matrix of the physical body, which conforms to the shape, appearance and condition of his "double". The linga sarira can be separated or projected a limited distance from the body. When separated from the body it can be wounded by sharp objects. When it returns to the physical frame, the wound will be reflected in the physical counterpart, a phenomenon called "repercussion." At death, it is discarded together with the physical body and eventually disintegrates or decomposes. 
The mayavi-rupa is dual in its functions, being: "...the vehicle both of thought and of the animal passions and desires, drawing at one and the same time from the lowest terrestrial manas (mind) and Kama, the element of desire." 
The higher part of this body, containing the spiritual elements gathered during life, merges after death entirely into the causal body; while the lower part, containing the animal elements, forms the Kama-rupa, the source of "spooks" or apparitions of the dead.


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